
A key concept for this study is to research several sites in Scotland for their current Waste Management Strategies. It is hoped that through the study of energy from waste it will be possible to recommend a course of action that can be included in Area Waste Plans for the future. To do this it is essential to understand the sites in detail and how one location will differ to the next. In this study it is proposed that the City of Edinburgh is compared with a rural location and with the City of Dundee. This will present three differant approaches to the problem of Waste Management and energy from Waste.


Population[1]: 468,000
Homes[2]: 216,500
Of Which: Flats 60%, Terrace 15%, Semi 14% and Detached 11%

MSW Arisings[3]:252,078
Landfill: 183,695
Incineration: 52
Incineration with Energy Recovery: 0
Composting: 68,331
BMW Landfilled: 109,574

Collection[4]: Over 115,000 homes have a segregated waste collection for recycling option

Centres[5]: 4 Public Recycling Centres taking various materials and over 500 bring recycling points

Recycling Sector Involved[4]: Nathans Waste Savers Ltd, M. Mckenzie Ltd, Shore Recycling, Viridor Enviroscot, Forth Recycling Management Ltd, Leep Recycling, William Waugh Ltd and Abitibi Consolidated


Population[1]: 142,150
Homes[2]: 68,300
Of Which: Flats 52%, Terrace 12%, Semi 25% and Detached 10%

MSW Arisings[3]: 95,351
Landfill: 21,470
Incineration: 42,400
Incineration with Energy Recovery: 42,400
Composting: 31,480
BMW Landfilled: 10,075

Centres[6]: 3 Public Recycling Centres taking various materials 98 bring recycling points

Recycling Sector[4]: Nathans Waste Savers Ltd, Shore Recycling, Viridor Glass, Stirling Fibre Ltd, Frank Kelbie Recycling, OSS Group Ltd and Henderson Kerr Ltd

1- General Regesters Office Statistics can be viewed at
2- Scottish Census Results Online can be viewed at
3- SEPAs Landfill Allowance Scheme Data can be viewed at
4- Waste Data Flow Reports can be viewed at repcsv2.aspx
5- Edinburgh Council Website can be viewed at 
6- Dundee City Council Website can be viewed at

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